<aside> 💡 Reusable template to organize your own Direct Air Carbon Capture-themed hackathon


Table of Contents

  1. Intro
  2. Defining the event scope
  3. Defining the project timeline
  4. Distributing event responsibilities & best practises
  5. Conclusion
  6. About the authors

1. Intro 🌳

In December 2023 Lifetime Ventures and OIST Innovation organized the “CO2 Removal Challenge 2023” in partnership with Open Air Collective and DAC Coalition.

The aim of this challenge was for participants to design a Direct-Air-Carbon-Capture (DACC) solution that would remove CO2 at a cheaper and more scalable rate than existing solutions.

To contribute to the open-source spirit of the global DAC community, we have created a guide on how you too can organize your own DACC-themed hackathon to accelerate innovation in the CO2 removal space.

2. Defining the event scope 🔍

An important step in planning any hackathon is to clearly define the scope of the event as it determines most of what has to happen next. The following provides an overview of all decisions your team should align on to get started.

Key Scoping Decisions